First Up, Seaweed !
One wonders why so important and vital a family of plants should be referred to as a ‘weed.’ We think of weeds as nuisance but once we are aware of the many fabulous properties of these marine plants, we might want to refer to them as Sea Herbs and vegetables. There are more than 30,000 species of marine algae ranging in size from microscopic plankton to the giant kelp beds, that grow to a size of 60 metres.
We are going to explain a few of their amazing benefits you may not be aware of.
DNA Repairing Enzymes: Extracted from marine plankton have been shown to repair DNA following damage due to excess sun (ultra-violet) exposure. The stress caused by overexposure to the sun results in your skin’s DNA molecules to get out of alignment. Topical application of a cream with plankton enzymes plays the role of a molecular chiropractor by re-aligning DNA molecules within 2-4 hours. Research at Heinrich Heine University in Germany suggests that marine plankton may play a role in the prevention of skin cancer. TRY SOS daily repair
Dermal Rejuvenation: L-Fucose (a form of fucoidan) is a polysaccharide that helps to strengthen the connective tissue matrix of support of your skin. Topical application of seaweed extracts containing this power-polysaccharide was shown to help thicken the skin’s dermis with the result that the appearance of wrinkles was diminished due to the uplifting effect. As contained in our Vitamin C spray
Building Blocks of Life: Seawater is known to have all the elements of life and has been compared to blood plasma, lymph and the fluids that make up 70% of the human body. Marine plants which obtain their nutrients from seawater, are concentrated storehouses of all the elements found in the sea. As the base of the food chain, marine plants deliver all the sea’s nutrients to our skin to support and accelerate cellular regeneration, delivering vital elements such as magnesium, potassium, iodine, copper and zinc essential in the synthesis of collagen and other skin fibres.
Marine Polysaccharides from seaweed are natural moisturizers that help leave skin smooth and firm to the touch. These saccharides reduce inflammation and lock in moisture. Try our Our Forget-me not all day moisturiser and Energ-eyes for mx benefits
Arctic Peptides for Skin Firming: Extracted from Irish Moss, these peptides are harvested north of the Arctic Circle off the coast of Greenland. Due to the harsh climate of the frozen seas, these seaweeds adapted by creating special peptides from arginine and taurine. Applied to the skin, they act as messengers to stimulate collagen synthesis. Found in our SOS daily repair
Anti-inflammation: Environmental aging factors such as stress, pollution and poor diet create an inflammatory response responsible for advanced aging. Marine algae contain the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents in the form of astaxanthin and omega fatty acids (3,6 & 7) that reduce skin redness and calm skin irritations. These are essential in the treatment of rosacea, eczema, and dermatitis. Try our Vitamin C Spray and SOS daily repair.
DNA Defence: Seaweed is also the richest source of antioxidants. When applied to the skin, they offer us an Eco-Protective Shield against environmental aging factors. Marine algae contain the full range of carotenoids from beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein to astaxanthin, zeaxanthin and polyphenols. Our energ-eyes is perfect
Detoxification: Calcium and magnesium found in seaweed are useful in helping the body rid itself of toxins.
Hormonal Balancing: Did you know that iodine not only helps to normalize metabolism, but it is also essential to the female reproductive organs to balance oestrogen.
These are but a few of the miraculous properties of these marine plants.
In an age when we are more and more alienated from nature, seaweed helps us to reconnect with the very source of life itself (the vast ocean surrounding our planet) to restore and replenish the ocean within our bodies.
We can truly no longer ignore this family of plants and the gifts they give us.