Sudden acne breakouts can be because of numerous reasons, including Hormonal changes or hormonal imbalance, an unhealthy diet including lots of deep fried and junk food, alcohol, the release of cortisol hormones because of excessive stress, excessive production of sebum, the use of masks and much more.
Some top tips
Make sure you get good sleep, fresh air, and exercise, including some time outside every day, Daylight increases vitamin D levels, and we need vitamin D in order for our bodies to synthesize Vitamin C.
Increase your intake of water this will help to flush toxins for the digestive system, the kidneys and liver, The stomach is known as the second brain so good gut heath and diet are important in skin health.
Cleanse your skin twice a day morning and evening.
Be careful not to use harsh products packed with chemicals, as they will strip the skins natural barrier, leading to a further increase acne dermatitis and inflammation.
Choose an option with natural AHA acids (flower peel) which all help to break down the bonds between dead skin cells, eliminating them from the surface of your skin, remove excess oil, and helps to kills the bacteria that causes acne, BHA (salicylic acid) this will help to clean out pores out and keep them clear of further outbreaks.
Overuse of exfoliators should be avoided One of the biggest causes of outbreaks is due to the disruption of the skins natural defense barrier, caused by over exfoliation too many active ingredients (skin layering) cuts scrapes bites etc. shaving.
When we shave, we are also removing dead skin cells, but shaving over and area any with blemishes or abrasions can cause further out breaks and irritation. Donkey milk is one of the best products to use not only protect the skins barrier but it natural anti- microbial anti biotic effects calms sooths and renews the skin epidermis and reduces redness immediately.
Click here to check out our sea inspired vegan range where you will find great products to treat and prevent breakouts.